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Chinese translation for "light a bonfire"


Related Translations:
bonfire:  n.篝火,祝火,营火。 make a bonfire of (rubbish) 烧掉(垃圾)。
christmas bonfires:  建造圣诞节篝火
the bonfire:  激动的序章
bonfire night:  团火节烟火节焰火之夜篝火夜篝火之夜
bonfire test:  火烧试验
bonfire rally:  短语类(口语/俚语/习语等)
feed a bonfire:  给篝火加燃料
a sea of victory bonfires:  漫山遍野的胜利篝火
the bonfire of the vanities:  虚荣的篝火走夜路的男人/夜都迷情
Example Sentences:
1.What a zany the old chap must be, to light a bonfire when there's no youngsters to please .
2.We light a bonfire with language , comforting each other over mountains and seas , warming up each other ' s heart
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